Misha Kahn: Under the Wobble Moon, Objects from the Capricious Age

x Museum Villa Stuck, Munich, Germany
April 28 - August 21 2022


It must be reconciled that we enter a new period on earth. The physical coincides with the metaverse here, and we live partially in both worlds. Equally viable is the longing to stay inside, and to be far away at once. Human driven alterations to our climate mean frequent bouts of extreme uncertainty about our surroundings. We are adrift. The idea that we build stable houses, with stable objects on stable ground with stable narratives feels irrelevant and irresponsible amidst our self-determined fate of undermining all of these things. Objects too must enter this new period on Earth. We must build quickly, and plan for dissipation. Work with the detritus left in the wake of our chaos. Appreciate the energy and mysticism of earthly material. Apparate into a virtual realm when needed. And capture these meandering narratives. Through various rooms and vignettes, this exhibition will explore each of these attitudes in the form of objects for a place that exists outside of statis – a space where the wobble moon pulls the water in our body from side to side, as it does the fluidity of ideas, emotions and energy that float beyond a reality that we can understand.

The Capricious Age — a greatly transformative period, centered around a reevaluation of humans’ relationship with nature, technology, time, and each other — is best understood via the domestic objects that therefore came to be. Those you are about to encounter are paragons of the time, in that their being articulates a specific push and pull of reason. They wrestle with order, and wonder, and confusion, as we all have. This extensive collection by Misha Kahn is a comprehensive assemblage of the time- bending era’s most curious pieces. Both commotion and calmness can be found within them, as the artist presents problems and their solutions as if they were one and the same.

- Misha Kahn and Kellie Riggs

Listen to the audio story!!

Photos Nina Moog and Jann Averwerser, more coming